Trying no knead bread
I have had the recipe for a long time but for some reason, it just sat there in my recipe drawer. Every now and then, i will draw it out as the "next" thing to try but never ended up trying it. The recipe calls for a large oven safe pot for cooking, preferably a cast iron dutch oven. Last week I decided to sneak in an order of a 5 quart cast iron dutch oven while I was ordering other things from Amazon. It came earlier this week and I got baking.
A web search of no knead bread turns up lot of different food blogs with videos, images etc. All those were very helpful to understand the instructions in details and gain confidence. For the proportions and recipe. I decided to follow the paper recipe (also available at New York times here). Only problem I ran into is that recipe calls for 1 and 5/8th cups of water. I figured 5/8th of a cup is same as the 1/2 + 1/8th of a cup (I was feeling very proud to have used my math skills for these calculations!). I eye balled 1/8th of a cup of water by filling 1/4th of a cup half way. The bread turned out great. Most of it was gobbled up along with some lentil stew i prepared for the dinner.
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